Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Progamming (NLP) course for Equestrian Coaches.

By the end of this Course you will be able to:

  • Describe the Foundations of NLP as well as its basic principles and apply these too your Equestrian Coaching which will allow you to improve your Psychological understanding of yourself as a Coach and the Clients that you work with.


This Course features a Bonus Quiz Module.  If you don't wish to pay to receive feedback on your answers please enter Code NOFEED at Checkout for 9.99 DISCOUNT.

If you wish to Purchase both this Course and the How Horses Process the World at the same time please enter code 2COURSE at Checkout to receive a £4.99 DISCOUNT (you should do this when purchasing both courses giving you a total £9.98 DISCOUNT). This offer is not applicable to those who don't wish to have their quizzes marked.

If you are using this Course as CPD and need a Certificate of Completion please email me on on completion of the Course. 

Please note that to have any RDA CPD counted towards a review extension (for those eligible) the form below needs to be completed following the training.

Thank you :-).

7 Modules

Foundations in NLP

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Explain what NLP stands for and describe what each of these terms mean.
  • Describe what a Frame of NLP is and recall some examples.
  • Define what an NLP Presupposition is and discuss some examples including those relating specifically to Human Behaviour.
  • Compare the differences between the Conscious and Unconscious mind.
  • Describe the basic functions of the Unconscious mind.
  • Identify how to communicate effectively with your Unconscious mind.
  • Describe how all habits are created and maintained.
  • Summarize the process of a Habit moving from the Conscious to Unconscious mind as it's being formed.
  • Define how memories and emotions are stored in the Unconscious mind.
  • Describe how memories containing unresolved negative emotions can be re - presented for resolution by the Unconscious mind and the effects this might have depending on timing.
  • Discuss strategies to cope with these memories being re - presented.
  • Discuss why the Unconscious mind responds so well to metaphors.
  • Identify why Human Beliefs have such an effect on how our mind works.

NLP Representational Systems

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Summarise how our senses are used to create our own internal representation of reality.
  • Explain what a NLP Representational system refers to.
  • Discuss the Four different Representational systems.
  • Compare the typical Behaviour traits for the Four different systems.
  • Identify the best way to provide feedback to people favouring each of the four different systems.
  • Summarise the typical challenges a person favouring each Representational system would face.
  • Define what an NLP Predicate is.
  • Recognise through which NLP Predicate a person uses which of the Four Systems their favouring.
  • Describe your preferred NLP Representational System.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Explain the definition of Rapport.
  • Discuss how Rapport is used when communicating.
  • Summarise the differences between Matching and Mirroring.
  • Define how to build Rapport though Physiology.
  • Identify how you know when you're in Rapport.
  • Recognise when other people are in Rapport.
  • Discuss how words can be used to build Rapport.
  • Compare the Four levels of listening.
  • Construct a Rapport building question.
  • Identify how to build Rapport with riders specifically.

Your Ambitions

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Express yourself through free writing which has been proven to:
    • Promote self - confidence.
    • Allow you to release your thoughts and emotions. 
    • Reduce expectation of perfection.
    • Bring out emotional blocks and barriers to your success. 
    • Offer a blank slate for you to be completely honest.
    • Help you to release self-judgement and be less effected by other peoples judgement of you.
    • Uncover thoughts and ideas you never knew you had. 
    • Be helpful when working through difficult situations. 
    • Help you to get back to being a truly authentic version of yourself.
    • Provide you with a greater sense of clarity and focus. 
    • Provide a different perspective on challenging situations. 
    • Increase awareness of themes and patterns that exist in your life. 

Your Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Reflect on what you really want and don't want in your life.
  • Discuss how to change a negative outcome to a positive one.
  • Reflect on how much difference a negative and positive perspective can make to your Outcomes.
  • Explain how to communicate your outcomes positively to allow your Unconscious mind to truly understand what it is you want to achieve. 

Your Goals

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this Module you will be able to:

  • Describe how using questioning can help to form clear goals both for yourself and your clients.
  • Discuss how it's important to maintain perspective when goal setting.
  • By developing skills from the previous module understand how to communicate only in the positive as our Unconscious mind does not understand negatives.
  • Define how it's important to understand the purpose of any goal and that goals won't be successful if there for someone else.
  • Reflect on how powerful Goal visualisation can be.
  • Explain the use of a time line in Goal setting.
  • Discuss the use of the NLP modeling method in relation to goal setting.
  • Define how you and your clients will truly know when a Goal has been achieved.
  • Explain how using the "acting as if" NLP method can be helpful when Goal setting.

Final Quiz

Having completed the NLP Course it's time to test your knowledge with our Final Quiz. If you have paid to have the Quiz marked I will aim to provide Feedback within a week. Remember you can easily go back and refer to the Webinars if your unsure of any of the Answers. 

Well Done for completing the Course and please do let me know by emailing: if you have any Feedback. I really do appreciate any thoughts you have and will use it to shape future Courses.

If you would be interested in Information on other Courses please just drop me an email me on the above address.

Thank you :-).

Modules for this product 7
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